Friday, July 4, 2008

DCs Column in June30, 08 Mountaineer

Here we are again, another July 4th! The time of year that just seems to be one continuous photo opp... Family cookouts, parades, fireworks and good times.

Attached you will find the latest column of mine published in The Mountaineer newspaper here in Waynesville, NC. I had hoped that this would run soon after the original story and photo spread about Trooper Blanton's funeral service. It was intended to be a means to share what it was like for me the photographer to cover such an event. However, there was a few readers that expressed concern over possibly violating the privacy of Blantons widow by choosing to print the photo of her slightly larger than the other photos on the photo page. These opinions ran in the "Letters to the editor". I then felt that this column may be mistaken as a rebuttal to those letters. This is not the case at all. The timing of print was simply not in my favor.

If there has been anything to learn about this, is that regardless of how gentle you are in documenting certain events. There will always be those who have an opinion to the contrary. I welcome these opinions with open arms.

Happy 4th of July everyone! DC

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