Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just dandy...

A much closer view than many usually see, a dandy lion in the early fall fog.

A lonley view, but not for long...

This was my view of the fair this past Saturday night. My little one wanted to ride the Farris wheel with me but changed her mind at the last minute. It was just too tall for her. Not to mention that this year she still stood just a little bit below the "Must be this tall to ride" sign. Mabe next year little one.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Sun

To be honest I had seen a similar shot in the past. But tell me, what is quite as 'timeless' as a drying sunflower. This on was on display at the county fair in Haywood county, NC this fall.
And if I'm not mistaken it took home a second place ribbon. Congrats at 'Raising a sun', DC

Fall is upon us once again...

Well, as we all know, fall is upon us once again. With that comes the final hurrah of summer and the opportunity to show off all of your hard work of summer at county fairs across the nation. This week I found myself at the Haywood County Fair in Waynesville, NC on several mornings and during one evening. Of course, if you have seen resent posts you have seen similar works of my night photography eyeing the lights of carnival rides spinning in the darkness. I guess the difference about this post is the top photo of the "Fair in the fog". I had driven by and just could not resist. In short, I turned around walked across the grass wet with the morning fog and this is what I saw. The second, A 'round-up' spinning in the darkness. I hope that you enjoy, Thnx, DC

Monday, September 22, 2008

A page from my portfolio: The University of Tennessee vs. University of Florida. Played Sept 20, 2008

This is a movie/slide show of photos that I took while on assignment at the University of Tennessee's Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, TN when the Vols took on the Florida Gators. Some of these photos were published in the Mountaineer newspaper for whom I am currently the lead staff photographer. This was a great shoot, the weather was perfect.

It was difficult to see Jonathon Crompton take such a beating from Florida. But I must say this... He NEVER took a knee, every opportunity he had to get extra yardage he did so without running out of bounds... Great game JC...

So much for a non-biased photojournalist point of view!

Know a VOL fan? Please share this with them...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Time in Nashville

Just a couple of photos from my time in Nashville. Always good times. A great city to run around at 3am in search of Hank in the shadows.

and the rains came...

The cowgirl in the parade...

This photo was taken during the Canton Labor Day Parade. I was concerned that she would never have an opportunity to see this photo. As it turns out, she is the friend of a fellow photographer... A small world indeed.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Times to remember...

A moment that dreams are made of. There will never be any greater joy than the smile of a child.

An evening at the fair...

This was the first opportunity that I had to 'just shoot whatever' with my trusty D300 outside of my daily commitments. Good times indeed. DC

Excited about my 2nd season shooting the University of Tennessee...

Taken on the UT field earlier this year this is by far one of my favorites I've taken of Jonathan. Here's to the season ahead Mr. J! Chase those dreams! DC