Monday, September 29, 2008

Fall is upon us once again...

Well, as we all know, fall is upon us once again. With that comes the final hurrah of summer and the opportunity to show off all of your hard work of summer at county fairs across the nation. This week I found myself at the Haywood County Fair in Waynesville, NC on several mornings and during one evening. Of course, if you have seen resent posts you have seen similar works of my night photography eyeing the lights of carnival rides spinning in the darkness. I guess the difference about this post is the top photo of the "Fair in the fog". I had driven by and just could not resist. In short, I turned around walked across the grass wet with the morning fog and this is what I saw. The second, A 'round-up' spinning in the darkness. I hope that you enjoy, Thnx, DC

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