Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Guardian...

Taken yesterday afternoon, the look says it all... "Who's your Queen?"?

Friday, November 28, 2008

I am thankful...

Thanksgiving has now past. Though surely not without some new
wonderful memories. I am so thankful for the moments that instill hope.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Seeking Solitude.

To some the title may be a bit confusing. To others who
know the view through a lens, mabe not so. To all, enjoy, DC

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Cold Night On Main...

Taken last night on Waynesville's Main Street and cold enough to freeze the AF mode of my D300, I was pleased to make this post today, Enjoy, DC

Mrs. Carrie Hachadurian, you will be missed.

As is customary here at the Mountaineer when one us has a birthday, gets married, or moves on to "greener pastures", here is a photo of Mrs. Carrie, our GUIDE editor (at least until the end of the day today) behind a wall of yellow tape. Carrie will be turning a page to a new life as a Western Carolina University employee. As you may have expected, she and her husband Frank will first be enjoying a wonder cruise through the Caribbean before she begins this new chapter. Carrie, thank you for everything and best of luck with your new adventure! DC

You can check out Carries Blog at:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Extra! Extra!

I stood there this morning staring at the pump thinking to myself, "... and how many gallons was I getting for $10 bucks just three weeks ago"? RIDICULOUS!

The "Cats Tail"...

Thought that a few of you might find this one as interesting as I did. She was a beauty. I had a few minutes alone with her and she gladly posed with all six purring. If your curious, "she" was a Jag. DC

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Go Bears Go!

In Friday nights Pisgah.H.S vs. Salisbury H.S game in Canton, NC. I watched an absolutley fantastic football game unfold before my eyes. As a very cold and steady rain fell, the battle raged. In the end, I'm convinced that our friend Randy was looking down with a huge smile wispering "Go Bears Go"!

Wine & Nails...

During a evening out on the town, visiting with friends at Osondu's downtown, my eyes caught a glimps that my lens was later able to share. Here is my view of Autumn enjoying her glass of wine. Thank you for reminding me Rodney, DC

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

DC's 'Wall Street'

As I was headed into work on Sunday for an hour or two which seems to always be three... I could not help but stop hit reverse find a parking space and get a few shots of a street that I always travel down but rarely take the time to look at. This is what I saw. Beautiful light.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A great play: The Last Night of Ballyhoo...

One of my favorite photo shoots as a photographer for the Mountaineer is the opportunity to shoot at the HART theater here in Waynesville. This was taken during last Saturdays showing of "The last night of ballyhoo" This was the young Grace Williamson's (right) second show of here first play at HART.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Goal... A photo a day, here's the first... A Dragon in the Flame.

Almost looks as if the flame is going from my brew... not the case. The chef built a small volcano out of slices of an onion and wa-la. Though I found the shape of a dragons head in the flame to be quite interesting, as did Kelly, my four year old. Which by the way I said nothing about what I saw,,,, Very interesting.
I had never been to Ichiban (the name of this restaurant) before. It was quite an experience. We really enjoyed very much having dinner with my cousin Angie and her husband Tony, thank you for the invite!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

God Bless You on your new journey Randy.

The loss of a friend...

Tonight after a Pisgah High School football game I lost a friend of 25+ years from an apparent heart attack. Randy, my friend, I will miss talking to you, running 102mph down back roads in your impala headed home after a away game and joking about old times. I am in shock that you are gone, though I know someday we will meet again. God Bless You Randy. It has been an honor having you as a friend. DC

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's over... A return to normalcy.

As we all know the past few months have been more than a little frustrating for we Americans. One handful of mud after another flying from campaign headquarters to another on all levels of the political arena. I know that from my own perspective that since I first found out that Bill Clinton was on his way to Asheville, NC to campaign for Hillary's democratic bid. Certain areas of my life have been moving at heightened pace to say the least. In the days ahead I will begin uploading my photographic experience through it all. I feel that I owe you all an apology for my lack of postings. However, to my defence, chasing politicians can really keep you on your toes and drain those often taken for granted spare moments right out of a persons life. BUT WHAT A GREAT TIME!

From me to you, Enjoy, DC