Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's over... A return to normalcy.

As we all know the past few months have been more than a little frustrating for we Americans. One handful of mud after another flying from campaign headquarters to another on all levels of the political arena. I know that from my own perspective that since I first found out that Bill Clinton was on his way to Asheville, NC to campaign for Hillary's democratic bid. Certain areas of my life have been moving at heightened pace to say the least. In the days ahead I will begin uploading my photographic experience through it all. I feel that I owe you all an apology for my lack of postings. However, to my defence, chasing politicians can really keep you on your toes and drain those often taken for granted spare moments right out of a persons life. BUT WHAT A GREAT TIME!

From me to you, Enjoy, DC

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