Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How do you like the new viewer?

Well as we all know technology is simply marching forward with a vengeance. For example, this new viewer by issuu. This seems to be the greatest thing since 'sliced bread'. To see an example, look at the previous post. If you click on the pages they will enlarge, then move the cursor to the far right or left of the pages and you can actually turn the pages with a single click! Enough with my ranting, just thought this was a cool concept. Oh, did I mention that it is FREE!

Please let me know if you have any problem viewing the issuu posts, love to know how well they work and what their limitations are... Thanks, DC

1 comment:

  1. I like it.
    Check out my blog at
    It was good to see you today. I wish I had more time to focus on photography, but these days I feel more like a one-man band with notepad, digital recorder and camera in hand. I thank God we got the Coolpix fixed. Just wish I had a bounce head flash with a diffuser. Oh,well. We take what we can get sometimes. Just happy to be employed.
