Monday, October 13, 2008

The story behind 'After the song'...

As those close to me know, I tend to take on a bit more than I can handle most of the time (understatement). At least when it comes to my time. Well, this is one of those evening where I said no to work, and yes to spending time with friends. Mrs. Lorraine is quite a talented singer. so this photo was taken after an early evening of listening to her sing and play guitar at Osandu's, a local book store/ tea bar / wine tasting establishment here in Waynesville, NC. Good times, thank you for the text reminder Rodney... Great Alley Cat!

sitting at the table: right rear; Lorraine, Right front; Rodney, Left rear; my wife Ana, and left front: yours truely, DC

1 comment:

  1. hey dude, looks like nick and nates? i like that place
