Friday, December 26, 2008

America's Most Wanted...

The story behind this money roll is a fun one... I went to cover a local high school basketball game. Before the game began I walked over to the snack bar to get a snack and a cup of coffee. But my single dollar bill was not enough to get a snack and the coffee was not yet ready. Well I turned around to walk into the gym when a man asked it I would buy a "half and half" ticket to help out the basketball program. I spent MY VERY LAST DOLLAR I HAD in my pocket on that ticket. I looked at the number. Said to the man who sold it to me that he had just sold the winning ticket and to take care of my money for me, we both laughed.
Guess what, at the half they called the winning ticket # and I WON! $118.00 That's my story of the money roll photo.

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