Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Late Night In Seattle...

Taken in Downtown Seattle Washington (home of Gray's).

There was a time a few years ago that I had the opportunity to travel... alot. Lately I have been in a way reviewing the photos taken during that time simple because I realized that I have never taken the time to put them were they could be seen. I will be up loading to this blog and to now and well into the future... I do hope that they are enjoyed...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

One day everything was different...

Guess what? DC's here, that's right here... right here. Major changes. Happy. By reading the title: "One day everything was different", that's my story. I'm still DC, Still a photographer. I choose to keep most of my trials and victories to myself. However I would like to share some photos that I have taken over the last few months with you. So good to see you, DC

The Photos in this post are of the North Carolina Capital Building in Downtown Raleigh, NC. Such a wonderful city, clean and full of crazy drivers and nice people (for the most part) LoL!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Breaking of the Beans

I took this on my Grand Parent's front porch here in W.North Carolina the other afternoon. Just seemed to be a moment to capture. Good times.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Little Roo...

Taken a little more than a year ago, while going through some old photos, I stumbled upon this one. One of my favorites.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

59' Cadi in the dark...

I rolled into Alexandria, VA in the wee-hours of the morning to deliver a new Cadillac and look who was waiting to great us... A 59' Coupe de Ville... A rolling masterpiece no doubt. So under the light of my truck headlights here is one of my angles on the subject.

A creature of the night...

During a recent trip to the Canadian border to deliver a car I stumbled upon this little guy seeming to have a heck of a time flying in a straight line... He/she landed and was captured (on camera of course) . Made for an interesting shot. Did someone say Moth-man?

Friday, July 24, 2009

The old Camaro made new...

On The road... again

Well as you may know I have returned to the road for at least two weeks a month. The means that I am rolling up and down the roads of the mid-west over towards Upstate New York and beyond hauling and delivering new and used cars with a truck/car trailer delivering up to four cars at a time. I will from time to time be uploading images from the road. And BELIEVE me there is plenty to photograph out here! As I type this I am in Binghamton, NY hanging out in a Barns & Noble getting my head cleared from all the road noise...

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Day at the aquarium...

There is nothing more exciting than having the opportunity to make dreams come true for your children. In the past few months my 5 year old has taken quite a liking to sharks and the ocean. Her facination lead me to taking and spending the day at the Riplys Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN recently... Good Times!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mr/Mrs Photog... GREAT JOB!

I Stumbled upon this shot of Tigger and his family the other day. I really enjoy it. I'm not sure who the photog was but he or she did an absolutly awesome job of capturing the moment. No Doubt!
Test from phone. Lets get this party re-started!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Not an ad: Just a cool pic...

A couple of weeks ago I was standing in line at the Canton, NC - TB and saw an incredible sunset taking place just outside the front glass. This was the result... enjoy

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well Used...

I can remember a day when this was simple a fantasy. To have "instant access" to anyone most anywhere. The price... Peace

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The only church in the area with TWO steeples... Make that one of the only in the country! Took this yesterday after noon, enjoy. DC

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A different view...

Good morning! I decided on this the other night, taken from the roof of the courthouse, (makes it a bit hard to duplicate). I enjoyed the colors of main street that afternoon. Good to see you! DC

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You may ask...

Some of you may ask the question: "We just had the best snow of the season, and there are no snow photos?" Well guess what... I have had either the flu of the worst cold I have had in a very long time. I literally stayed in the house for three days without much desire to even look outside. So for this I must apologize. But I had to put my health first and GET BETTER. I'm hitting the ground running in about six hours though! Here I come Waynesville! Thank you for your thoughts, see you on the street! DC

Here kitty, kitty...

Mouse... Did you say mouse? What, may I ask is a mouse?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

AS if she was an old friend...

And there she sat, dressed in red. At a glance we both knew... She had to pose for just one photo...

Marti Gras @ The Gateway...

A celebration of sorts, Mardi Gras at the Gateway. The celebration of our children and those who teach them the ways of the world and what it takes to survive... Teach our children well... DC

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A VERY Special Photo...

My beautiful 19 year old daughter Audri sent this photo to me. Taken on the coast of Oregon. Wanted to share it with all of you.
Thank you sweetheart you are such a blessing!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

OK, now I know you must be wondering... "What the heck is going on with DC?" Right? Well lots of changes here in this photogs life and I am very happy and thrilled to share them with you. First I'll tell you about my career: On Thursday February 12, 2009 I attended the North Carolina Press Associations Awards Ceremony and took 1st place in the "Photo Page" category and 2nd Place in General News Photography both on my coverage on Trooper Blanton's memorial service in the Community Division w/circulation over 10,000. It was such a thrill and an honor to receive these awards and to be recognized on a state level!

Second, this Friday the 13th, 2009 was my last day at "Lead Staff Photographer" and "Photo Editor" for the Mountaineer newspaper here in Waynesville, NC. I will be pursuing my freelance career in the news business and expanding by Wedding and Special Event Photography along with on location Portraiture. This decision was dictated by the current economic condition in Western North Carolina and as a nation as well. I have been blessed by my time at the Mountaineer and greatly educated in the art of photojournalism as a whole during my tenor of the past year and seven months. I am very excited for all of the opportunities that are in front of me and I want to thank you for all of your support during my time at the Mountaineer. I will from time to time continue to provide "Front Main Packages" special to the Mountaineer. I want to thank the Editor: Vicki Hyatt for giving me the opportunity to have shared with each of you "Life through the lens of DC".

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pretty in porcelain...

During a visit to a local antique store I saw this little one that seemed to take on a life all her own.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The night always brings change...

Hi. It has been one week since my last posting. I want to first apologize for not staying on top of this over the past week and leaving you to come back only to see "Popcorn's" photo from last week.
During the past week I have found that once again, that life can change on a dime without a moments notice and that new opportunities only come when old doors close behind you. My apologies for sounding vague. Just let me say thank you for coming back to my little blog, and ... At least a photo a day, ok? Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Popcorn Sutton... Moonshiner Extraordinaire...

Ok, the year is 2009. So I must ask my fellow photogs out there, how often do you have the opportunity to photograph living legends in the 'moonshine' business? Recently I had the opportunity to cover the famous Popcorn Sutton's sentencing at the US Federal Courthouse in Greeneville, TN. This photo was taken in front of the courthouse minutes after he received an 18 month sentence on alcohol and firearms violations, his fifth conviction I'm told. He was allowed to return home under house arrest until the court gives him a date that he must report to prison in Kentucky.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bears vs. Mustangs... Bear Prevail!

Pisgah High School located in Canton, NC, home of the Pisgah Lady Black Bears basketball team. I must say, this past friday night's game was by far one of the most physical games I have seen in the last two seasons.
I was very happy to capture this shot during the match-up. Technically a challenging shoot. Simply because I refuse to use a flash that can distract these high school players during the game. Shot w/ Nikon D300 Nikkor 50mm 1.8

Friday, January 23, 2009

She Sleeps...

One morning I walked in to check on my sleeping four-year-old and saw that her little feet were uncovered. Seems like yesterday both would fit in the palm of my hand...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A view I once had...

Had to go back to the archives a bit for this one. hope you enjoy none-the-less, good times. Enjoy, DC

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Friend of Mine...

One cool duck.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Remember when? Right up there with 'Ganip Ganop'! Enjoy, DC


Taken during a resent test shoot. I used the timer feature to get a feel for a new shoot location. followed by a slight 'twist' in photoshop. Guess I'll call this my self portrait. Thnx, DC

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Wheel...

On the way to Tennessee, somewhere in the Smoky Mtns. There sat an old wagon wheel.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This photo is part of an on going project. I'd enjoy your comments about this one and the others that will follow .

My 100th post...

Welcome to my 100th post. As I make this post I can merely say that life is in a constant state of change. Full of choices and experiences. Some, based on the other. DC

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Real talent...

One of my favorite photo shoots is covering high school basketball. This type of photography really keeps you on your toes. Your timing has to be near perfect to capture the intensity and drive of these high school students. This is a poster that I designed for RJ's mother to commemorate RJ's 2007-08 season.

If you might be interested in having a collage or poster designed for you please email me.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Old Hinge

Obviously thins hing has quite a few miles on it. Just something different. Enjoy. DC

Papaw's space...

A place in Papaws workshop.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Afternoon Commute

For me, always a thrill. The process of arriving at the station, buying the ticket, getting on the train and enjoying the ride. For others... Just another ride to work.

Who is that guy?

In the world of night photography, there are times you just can't resist a self portrait. This was mine. Thanks, DC

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Old School

Miles of memories...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

...and they sell what?

During a walk around downtown Lubbock, TX I stumbled upon this little place... They were closed, and I still wonder...

A Childs Dream...

Caught up to this guy in front of an antique store. I didn't ask for his story, though I'm sure that it was a colorful one. DC

Friday, January 2, 2009


Funny thing, I love their coffee. Though I never noticed the 'Choices'!

From WCU...

During a shoot at Western Carolina University two weeks ago I had the opportunity to get a few good shots of these CAT guys doing what they do best. The top photo #3 freshman Antoine Childs and below #4 Freshman Keaton Cole. Awesome game guys! Tennessee Weslean 67 WCU 110

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Just wanted to take a minute and wish you the best for the year ahead. Thank you again for visiting Life At f39 and Beyond! Enjoy, DC