Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You may ask...

Some of you may ask the question: "We just had the best snow of the season, and there are no snow photos?" Well guess what... I have had either the flu of the worst cold I have had in a very long time. I literally stayed in the house for three days without much desire to even look outside. So for this I must apologize. But I had to put my health first and GET BETTER. I'm hitting the ground running in about six hours though! Here I come Waynesville! Thank you for your thoughts, see you on the street! DC

1 comment:

  1. DC,

    I'm happy that you got over the Flu or whatever it was that you had but, I'm wanting to see some of your shots of Waynesville! Update your Blog please!!!...lol... ;P

    Guess Who...???...lol

