Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well Used...

I can remember a day when this was simple a fantasy. To have "instant access" to anyone most anywhere. The price... Peace

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The only church in the area with TWO steeples... Make that one of the only in the country! Took this yesterday after noon, enjoy. DC

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A different view...

Good morning! I decided on this the other night, taken from the roof of the courthouse, (makes it a bit hard to duplicate). I enjoyed the colors of main street that afternoon. Good to see you! DC

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You may ask...

Some of you may ask the question: "We just had the best snow of the season, and there are no snow photos?" Well guess what... I have had either the flu of the worst cold I have had in a very long time. I literally stayed in the house for three days without much desire to even look outside. So for this I must apologize. But I had to put my health first and GET BETTER. I'm hitting the ground running in about six hours though! Here I come Waynesville! Thank you for your thoughts, see you on the street! DC

Here kitty, kitty...

Mouse... Did you say mouse? What, may I ask is a mouse?