Sunday, September 25, 2011

The End ?

.KIOk so I am taking one of our regular customers home the other night and out of nowhere he says "S#*t, the end is coming... again". I had to ask, so he went on to explain that apparently a large comit or planet is on its way to end the world...

Ah, ok. Why didn't NASA tell me about this obviously huge event before now. So me having quite a bit of interest in potential catasrophic events like this started googling. And what is it that did all of the reading, worrying and subsiquint processing benefit me?
To wake up and pay attention to each day that I'm given. It may sound cheesy or a little over the top, but that's it. Hell, we have no clue how long we have here or if we are going to have to worry about the globle food suppy this year or next, so enjoy each day as it were the last. Period.

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