Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How do you like the new viewer?

Well as we all know technology is simply marching forward with a vengeance. For example, this new viewer by issuu. This seems to be the greatest thing since 'sliced bread'. To see an example, look at the previous post. If you click on the pages they will enlarge, then move the cursor to the far right or left of the pages and you can actually turn the pages with a single click! Enough with my ranting, just thought this was a cool concept. Oh, did I mention that it is FREE!

Please let me know if you have any problem viewing the issuu posts, love to know how well they work and what their limitations are... Thanks, DC

Monday, October 13, 2008

The story behind 'After the song'...

As those close to me know, I tend to take on a bit more than I can handle most of the time (understatement). At least when it comes to my time. Well, this is one of those evening where I said no to work, and yes to spending time with friends. Mrs. Lorraine is quite a talented singer. so this photo was taken after an early evening of listening to her sing and play guitar at Osandu's, a local book store/ tea bar / wine tasting establishment here in Waynesville, NC. Good times, thank you for the text reminder Rodney... Great Alley Cat!

sitting at the table: right rear; Lorraine, Right front; Rodney, Left rear; my wife Ana, and left front: yours truely, DC

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Two history changing events... My 40th and Barack, All on the same day!

The photo above as seen (Quite Large) on the front page of the Mountaineer Oct 6, 2008. Future President? Time will tell. Thrill to have him in front of my lens on my 40th birthday? You bet! Glad you could make it to the party Barack, oh, and for bringing 25,000 of your closest friends!

F.Y.T-Oct 17, 2008 Palin's comming to Greensboro...

ET is that you? Or just another balloon with a goofy smile? HA! Actually taken two days before the 'big day'. I was surprised to walk into the newsroom after a shoot over at the court house to find my wife Ana, my good friend and fellow photog, Lenard, Beth, Kim, Jeff and my Editor Vicki waiting to celebrate! Yah! just a short 22 years ago I didn't think I'd ever see 21... And the clock keeps ticking...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


After several attempts at getting this train on the trestle, FINALLY! As at least twice a week while taking my daughter to school I hear the train, and know where it crosses this trestle. Usually it is traffic or a red light that has kept me from capturing this shot. Here it is. "I hear that train a comin' "