Saturday, June 28, 2008

Another sad day for all...

I sit here still in disbelief that yet another one of those I admire has passed on. George Carlin in all of his risque' glory has passed away from a heart attack, the head lines read. I found out the following morning. That night I made a toast as he had requested, which was... "What happened? He was just here a minute ago..." I have very fond memories of George's various stand-up routines. I know that they were not always in "Good Taste" by some people's opinions, but I for one seem to think that he was one of the few that seemed to see life as it is. The reality that the majority of us take life entirely too darn seriously... His version of the news, and I quote from the heart... I was an 8year-old boy when I heard his "One From The Road" album for the first time. "A one armed man was arrested in central park today for bothering the other boaters for continuously rowing in a circle" and "A man with a chain saw was hit by a fallen tree..." and the list goes on. Mr George Carlin, thank you for all the laughter that you gave me through the years. I will miss you.

The photo posted was borrowed for . Please check out the site, thanks to technology his voice lives on....

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